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Teak Info

Asian Walnut

Terminalia tomentosa

Colourlight brown - dark brown
Main occurenceSouth East Asia / India / Myanmar / Laos
PropertiesGood for processing / hard
UsageFor Interior and flooring
Density1000 – 1150 kg per cubic metre


Xylia dolabriformis

Colourred-brown / darkening
Main occurenceIndien / Myanmar / Vietnam / Laos
PropertiesWeather resistant / fungi-, insect resistant
UsageOne of the best types for construction work, especially for boat-production
Densityca. 1200 kg per cubic metre


Caesalpiniaceae Intsia bijuga

Colourbrown-grey - dark red grey
Main occurenceSouth East Asia / Indonesias / Malyasia / Thailand / Vietnam
PropertiesIdeal for processing / long-lasting / class 1-2
UsageStalls for exteriors, water- and ship construction
Density1050 – 1300 kg per cubic metre
