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Teak Info


Chlorophora excelsa

Colourgolden brown
Main occurenceIvory Coast / Ghana (Odum) / Nigeria / Cameroon / Central Africa / Congo
Propertiesgood for processing / long-lasting / class 1-3
Usageexcels in highly strained production
Density950 – 1150 kg per cubic metre


Entandrophragma cylindicum

Colourred brown / darkening
Main occurenceIvory Coast / Ghana - Uganda
Propertiesgood for processing / class 3
Usagemainly for production of musical instruments
Density690 – 1065 kg per cubic metre


Guibourtia tessmannii

Colourdark red - violet
Main occurenceWestern Africa / Cameroon / Gabun / Congo
PropertiesCore resistant against fungi and insects / weather resistant / class 2
Usagemainly for production of musical instruments
Density900 – 1100 kg per cubic metre


Milettia laurentii

Colourlight brown, coffee-brown - dark violet / darkening
Main occurenceWestern Africa / Gabun / Cameroon / Congo
PropertiesIdeal for processing / weather resistant / class 2
UsageStalls / Interior
Density1100 – 1200 kg per cubic metre

Afzelia / Dousie

Pachyloba / Bipindensis

Colourlight red - brown / darkening
Main occurenceWestern - & East-Africa
PropertiesBest for processing / resistant against fungi and insects / weather resistant
UsageStalls, especially highly-strained floors
Density1100 – 1200 kg per cubic metre
